Monday, June 30, 2008

You are unique so your organization should be also.

We all have a method to our madness. There is a reason why you like things the way you do. That is part of who you are. If you like, cluttered, unorganized, unhealthy areas of your home, well I will pray for you and we can meet at my house. However, if you are just terrified of losing your prized collections of magazines you want to read, pictures, notebooks, photo albums, scrapbook materials, cropped pictures, and whatever else you hold near and dear and do not know where to begin then I can help.

I am the self-proclaimed queen of (managed) clutter. However, you would never know it unless you stop by unannounced and I am in the middle of working on a project. I am very good at finding a way to compromise orderliness with being able to have my treasures available and have creative ways to display them. My husband will admit to being the local version of "Monk", the Extreme Obsessional Compulsive organizer. His ideal room is symmetrically balanced, avoid of any clutter whatsoever (no knickknacks, books etc.) I am a very sentimental, visual and symbolic person. I love to see my treasures, pictures of family members and special event mementoes often. IMy house is full due to a fear of getting rid of something and then needing it. After many disagreements with my husband, I decided to find a way we could both be happy.

I tried having other people help me organize my home, but that was always awkward and painful to have my treasures devalued and removed from the home. Therefore, I decided to work on a personal solution. I came up with my "technical organizing" method. I utilized my computer skills and devices and was able to accomplish my goal, a house my husband was happy with and an organized storage of my treasures that kept them usable and handy. Eventually, you will get rid of some things but this makes the stress and loss much easier and you can start immediately!

If you want to see how this could work for you give me a call or email me.

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