Saturday, July 5, 2008

Keep treasures, make space and share a resource

Would you like to keep your treasured books, curriculum, Dvds, Cds, computer programs that you are not using but really enjoy and can't part with them. But, also need space and other materials. What if you could do both? Awesome right, but how?

Bartering Resources is the perfect answer. Okay, good idea but where and how is this done?

Well, I have a group of moms, Titus2momsgroup on Yahoo and one of our services is bartering resources. It is quick and easy, you keep your resources but, you lend them out to other like minded moms and can borrow other resources that you may need that are just sitting on someone else's shelf. It helps both the owner and the searcher of the resource out.

To get more information about the group visit our group page at

If you have any questions about the Titus2momsgroup or about bartering, email me.

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