― Bell Hooks, Reel to Real: Race, Sex, and Class at the Movies
"Different Strokes for Different Folks"
"I am me and you are you, apart we are blue, together we can weather things together"
Solutions and unity comes when we see that no one is ALL RIGHT, only half right and half left. Both people have to move toward the center to find the common ground, were the magic happens.
Life is all about differences, challenges, partnerships, cooperative efforts, exchanges and COMMUNICATION! The most important aspect of communication is Respectful TRUTH!
No one is alright, good, organized, poised, collected, AND true with themselves and those around them all the time. Everyone has days that regardless how well educated and spoken you are, you blow it and scream and utter words of low to no intelligent value. Most people if honest can say they have run late, or had to stripe gears throw stuff in bags and run out the door with one shoe in hand to get somewhere on time. Many people will say that although trained and experienced in something they have blundered and messed up a project or task. Many great inventions that we use today, took many mishaps and failures (had they stopped there!) to get to the successful item. The light bulb is a great example.
Limitations or inabilities need to be considered "Changes or Challenges" to an activity or task but not concrete reasons a task cannot be completed. Adaptions and accommodations are tools that can make all the difference in the world. Every health condition, "disability" or limitation can be overcome as long as the attitude and willingness are good. All things are possible, they just have to be planned and efforts will be different than someone elses. But, someone else is not in your situation, possessing your passions, experience and knowledge. Focus on that which you can control; YOU! make it your mission to take the negative and make it a positive. Take a NO! and make it a YES! It can be done... that is the fun and that fulfilling part of any mission.
Perspective has been talked about alot and how important the way we see things is to our attitude and behavior. But, little gets said about how to correct your perspective and correct the "mistakes" or wrong turns and get problems back into controlled tasks and projects instead of the chaos and disorder you are experiencing. This is where communication comes in. Talking and Listening. Writing and Reading. Sending and Receiving information.
This is what I do!
We talk about how you see yourself, and those involved in the situation/project. We look at confirming or proving those things false. Then we look at what you want to accomplish and how YOU can get it done. Although it may be better, more fancy and you want others to participate, you can only control you!. If you are doing a project or task that requires others than you need to consider them, their differences and find a way you all communicate and understand the mission being attempted. Writing down thoughts, fears/concerns, needs, wants (2 separate things), and resources. Then a plan is able to be formed. The things you right down give you a starting point, everything has to be proven true, availability, accessibility, and benefit to the project has to be documented so that piece of equipment, service or skill can be placed in the plan and effectively used at the right time.
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