Thursday, August 30, 2012

We are published! First edition of Touch Of Heaven On Earth

The bio of Dot Wiggins and introduction to Uniquely Organized and Utilized is in this first issue of  "A Touch Of Heaven On Earth" a new digital magazine.  Uniquely Organized and Utilized will be a regular column in the magazine with helpful and informative articles, spotlights on products and services, and replies to readers questions.  Please check it out and let us know what you want to read about.  If you would like to advertise with "A Touch of Heaven On Earth" see the back page for rates and Ruthie and Marty's email.  Let them know Dot Wiggins with Uniquely Organized and Utilized sent you.
 Click here to open the link to the magazine Touch of Heaven On Earth
  New Digital Magazine!!! My friends, Ruthie-Marty Brewer are the Editors.. Check out the first edition!! Uniquely Organized and Utilized is excited to be in this edition and will be a regular column. Encouraging and Empowering ~&~ 
Advertising is available, see back page. Let them know Dot sent you :)
Look for us all on Facebook, links above will take you there.

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