Have you ever had to stare at a pile of your mistakes or misguided decisions? ugggg.. so frustrating when they could have and would have been such great ventures and adventures, creations whatever... Oh well, moving on and having to change course, discontinue some things and WILL NOT just throw things away, my parents taught me one bad decision or underachieved goal does not mean you can continue making bad choices. What to do??? Plan, Purge, Prosper!!!
When facing an issue or activity asking the Who, What, When, Where, How and WHY questions helps to gain focus and clarity. Will this item or activity further your plan/project and help you meet a goal? Is it a service/caring thing to do for someone? *** CAUTION!!!****
What is the "Need/Want" being met and for WHOM????
If it is for someone else, are you really the person that should be doing this project or do they need to do it themselves? This last question is a HUGE! point to consider whenever you are taking your energy, time, resources and Prosperity to accomplish someone Else's goals or to fulfill someone Else' obligations, great care and reflection needs to be taken to make sure you are completing your goals first! Do not force your ideas and ways on someone else "because they need to change and just won't do it for themselves". You cannot plan, purge and prosper for someone else is they are not participating in the effort. It will not be successful and is a dangerous habit to develop.
If you don't already have an action plan, to-do list, project list: You will want to answer these questions. I write this down and keep it handy and refer back to it when scheduling appointments, joining groups/activities, accepting donations, purchasing items.. helps keep you on track toward your goals. This is one thing we discuss in consultations and if you don't know the answers we complete exercises and readings to find them..
"If you don't know what you want or where you want to go, how do you know if you are getting close?"
What: are you priorities? the NEEDS! (Job/Income producing!).. Family activities, Home maintenance, etc... Where does the item go? When is it being used again? How is it being used? (more than 30 days and it goes on a table to re-evaluate) keep going.. this process should only take 1 hour. QUICK evaluation, HONEST! plans and no I think I will.. COMMIT!!
***Also be thoughtful if you are the only one doing something and if you have to decline other activities that would be with others instead of this project.. "IS it worth it and are you going to choose to do it alone!" ***** Does something else that involves more of your family/house mates need to be in that place?
PLAN: Where does it go! place it if it will return easy~ whew hoo! If not, What is it? When is it being used? (long term storage is NOT USING IT!!) place it on a table to re-evaluate, does it need something to make it useful (assembly, consumable supplies, other people) How is it used? WHY????? are these inline with your priorities, mission and do they help you prosper???? (if it costs money to store items, if you are renting equipment you are not using the answer is NO!).
Things that "fit into your life and space" get put in their place. If something no longer fits in its space (additions have changed it or too much stuff in that section/station, just set it aside and continue to put items away. If an entire section or station has become "Altered/non functioning then remove the entire section and place it together. Once you have the Purposed and productive items placed according to your plan. Look at the items left ... group them according to their function, if possible.
PURGE: This is related to the items left after you have returned items to their proper places according to your action plan and storage charts. Look over the space and see if anything put in the space has become inefficient or unused. Anything on the table that is an upgrade or change of something else (newer edition of a book, a book that covers many of your notes, a bigger binder, etc..) replace the lesser item with the upgrade. Anything family heirlooms, or special for sentimental reasons? Can you take a picture of it? pictures store so much better!!! Now things get alittle difficult.. DEEP BREATHE! Grab your list of priorities and lets begin PURGING (Removing items that are taking space and time without contributing to your space or goals). Look at each item and answer the Planning questions...What is it? When is it being used? (long term storage is NOT USING IT!!) place it on a table to re-evaluate, does it need something to make it useful (assembly, consumable supplies, other people) How is it used? WHY????? are these inline with your priorities, mission and do they help you prosper???? (if it costs money to store items, if you are renting equipment you are not using the answer is NO!). Now some items CAN BE donated.. (this is like giving a gift! make peace as you move that item ~This does not fit into my plan to prosper (space, $$$, or MY pleasure) and it therefore must go. Place it in a closed bag or box and move quickly through this process. Memories are wonderful and if the item WAS special, used alot a gift from someone, take a picture and you can look at it whenever you want and it will not block your progress into YOUR FUTURE!!. This is important! AS THE BAG/BOX gets full take it to a vehicle to be transported to the new location.. Ah.. PROGRESS!!! as the space improves and as the tough decisions are made, commit to keeping going. completing the process is important. If time or energy is running out, give yourself 15 minutes to "CLEAN UP" the space. Make the table neat and orderly, consolidate piles, make notes where you are in the plan. Write a quick paragrah on the progress you made. NOW! RIGHT NOW take the bags and boxes to donate...that is your rest! break and you will feel accomplished. CHECK OFF!!!
For items that are worth money or just not accepted in donation sites (appliances, computers, Big items, high end books and things) List them for sale...Price them GOOD so they will move, use your Facebook for good! post what you have and ask friends to help you spread the word. Work it for awhile and then you have to revisit the plan and see if you can wait any longer. Work in 30 day (business days) increments. The lost space, functionality of the space, time and pleasure cannot continue forever. If the items are preventing you moving forward then you have to find another way to accomplish the plan and get the check off. If you cannot donate the items, and they won't sell, it is time to post FREE TO FIRST PERSON TO COME PICK UP! (consider delivery to get rid of the stuff, ask for delivery fee but if you have to do it for free, the pay off is worth it to accomplish the goal~TRUST it will workout!) Free cycle works well, and other -Giveaways. Some churches will take items donated, ask friends... if you live in the city.. put it on the curb with a note FREE and someone will take it. Call around to Charities and non profits and some will come pick up items.. place the items outside the space so you can continue.... to accomplishing your plan and reaching your goals. it will be worth more in the end that the loss of the revenue you already experienced.
PROSPER ~~~ $$$$, Space, or :) Pleasure!
If you were able to sell some of the unused or unneeded items the $$$$ are your reward. But if not, you still reaped space or efficiency from being able to quickly find, use and replace items in their proper places. the enjoyment and accomplishment are PRICELESS! and that investment in your future and plans to prosper will yield big dividens that are not taxable! It is not always about money, and some of the biggest yields come from the investments of energy, skills, talents and time.
If you need to Plan, Purge and Prosper and need assistance or just want it.. Call me, 919-219-2650; visit my website; UniquelyOrganizedandUtilized once there bookmark it and enjoy the pictures and read the blog from there.
Would love to hear your suggestions for topics of upcoming posts. Let me hear your plans to prosper. leave comments or contact me through email or on the website. I look forward to connecting with like minded people and am here to consult with you and assist you with resources, skills, talent and time. Also join my group of like minded people on Facebook, Cedar Creek Creative Coop
"You CAN if You WILL"
"Where there is a WILL, there is a WAY!"
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