Monday, June 24, 2013

Strategic planning can help you prevent some losses and quickly recover from a natural disaster, accident or theft.

Do you have a Disaster Plan? Storms, Fire, other damage or Theft; what would you do if something occurred and threatened damage or loss of your treasured files, pictures, or possessions. Do you have a plan for digital failure or remote access? Is it written down, has it been updated? Does your spouse and family know where it is kept and how to carry it out?

Strategic planning gives a preventative, risk management evaluation and recovery tool.

This is one time that "What if's" can be helpful.  Looking at our homes, offices, vehicles and/or places we visit and thinking "If someone were to break in, what would they get...  and working from that to reduce their bounty.  Asking if my cell phone or laptop computer was damaged or stolen what would I lose?  Taking steps to be able to access everything you have on those devices will give you that sense of control when the worst  occurs.

What if you went out of town and had an unexpected delay and needed to work on something on your computer?  Weather shows severe weather back at home, will your home be safe?  Do you have contact information for neighbors who can secure your home/office until you get back? You receive a call that your home has been damaged or broken into?

If you experienced a break in or theft would you be able to file a complete report?  Description, Serial numbers, models, sizes etc.  Can you secure your sensitive applications and files?  Could you report your credit cards, other membership cards etc. What if your spouse or child was the victim of the disaster or crime?

Are you insured??  For what occurrences??? Terms???  How much coverage (NEEDS TO BE checked and updated whenever a change occurs).  If it happens on someone Else's property are you still covered?

Need help evaluating, planning and executing steps to make your possessions safe as possible, having the essential information to be able to file a complete and accurate report and to recover your information to continue your work.  This is something I can help you do.  Email me or Visit the Facebook Page and us the Contact Me tab.

Dot A Wiggins
Organizer, Consultant and Coach
Uniquely Organized and Utilized
Facebook Pages:
Dot A Wiggins,
Uniquely Organized and Utilized

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