Friday, February 17, 2012

Organizing your pictures, videos, computer files and paper files

What is the best "organizing" invention that is easy to use, cheap and versatile????

What can be used for school, church, work, home, garden or fun?

What holds information, pictures even a video or cd and fits nicely on a shelf?

                                                         A BINDER

A simple Binder (Notebook) can be a simple step to organizing a project, memories, appliance booklets, or anything that you want to keep, consolidate and be able to use and return to storage when you are finished.

A Binder is a great way to make a customized yet affordable scrapbook for items you want to keep whole, like papers, school assignments ect.  You can make a Binder containing a semester, year or multiple years work.  You can make Themed or One topic/subject binders, complete studies, framework for complete as you go books or "Starter projects" to expand later into something else.

Binders hold lots of information, pictures, cd/dvd's even VHS tapes can be included in a binder.  They store nicely on bookshelves or are portable and help keep everything secure, protected and together. 


Make a vacation research tool to sort, hold and commerate a trip.  Yep, a binder can be used for this too.  Totally a multi-tasking effort.  Planning, collection and holding all the brochures, papers, contracts, tickets ect.; place to record your "journal information and pictures of what you did on the trip, write down the "IF WE EVER DO THIS AGAIN.... Do remember...  Do not forget....  This will be your Scrapbook/memories, a helpful tool for next time or something to show others planning the same trip.


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