Tuesday, January 22, 2013

MARK YOU CALENDAR!!!! February 2, 2013, Is All in One Business Open House in Downtown Youngsville, NC!!

February 2 is COME TO DOWNTOWN YOUNGSVILLE DAY!  Many of the Business's on Main Street are having specials and have opened space for Home-based, Small Businesses and Craftier for profit to showcase their products and services on Main Street. This will be a great time to meet and greet with local businesses, craftier and the community and help the established Main Street Businesses too.  Mark your calendars and plan to attend.   If you are a business or craftier and wish you knew about this event, don't despair, there is so space available and I will do another one soon.  Contact me or join the Facebook group, Cedar Creek Creative Cooperative so you can network with us until the next event, https://www.facebook.com/groups/CedarCreekCreativeCoop/ 

 Come join the fun!  See the link to the Event Page on Facebook and join us and help get the word out.  "Together We can make this a great event"

 2013 is off to a great start! Very excited to get more exposure and meet more people around me that want to help build the community and share their expertise with the local's. I am coordinating an event with the Local Businesses of Downtown Youngsville, who have graciously opened up space for small and home-based businesses, crafters and professional service providers to come and showcase. We are all working together to promote this event and make it great. Our event page is https://www.facebook.com/events/398001230287926/ Please join it, mark going or maybe, and then share the event with your friends. 

 Feb 2 is going to be a Great Day to be in Downtown Youngsville. Hope to see you there!

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